December 22, 2011

Tasty Watermelon Smoothie Recipe

One of my favorite summertime fruits, and certainly one of the favorites of my family is watermelon. Not only is this an extremely tasty fruit, but it's also very rich in potassium and other vital nutrients and minerals. It also happens to be about 90% water as well, hence the name, so makes for a very refreshing smoothie. What I like to do is make sure that I had in a lot of tasty seasonal and refreshing flavors to this particular type of smoothie instead of using anything too rich and strong. Just make sure that you always use organic fruit if possible, and always filter your water.

  • 4 cups fresh watermelon chunks
  • 1 cup lemon lemon greek yogurt
  • 1 cup fresh cantleoupe chunks
  • a few ice cubes
  • 1 cup of water
  1. first you'll want to cut up your watermelon into small chunks
  2. then make sure you get rid of any seeds, if you didn't buy a seedless watermelon
  3. then pour in your water
  4. next you want to put in your lemon Greek yogurt
  5. then you want to add in your fresh cantaloupe chunks
  6. and finally adding your 4 cups of fresh watermelon
  7. add any additional ingredients or sweeteners that you think you might need
  8. blend until desired consistency
  9. enjoy!

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